Climate Change and Life

Liam Sadek
2 min readSep 21, 2019

In case you haven’t realized it yet, climate change is going to fuck us. Bad. Boo hoo, cry me a river. But don’t deny it, don’t ignore reality because it sorta sucks. We had time, we didn’t use it, and the energy demands of 7 billion people says nothing is likely to stop it. I get it, it’s a rough go, but accepting it might just help us all out. See, in case you haven’t realized also, there is definitely a mismatch between the way people live in modern society and the way humans evolved to live. Has anyone considered that maybe, just maybe, chronic anxiety and depression are not mental illnesses but could actually be natural or even healthy reactions to the increasingly complex, perilous, and self-destructive nature of modern civilization? The world’s been evolving much faster than people can. Maybe it’s time to slow it all down. The only reason it’s gone on for so long is because people can get used to just about anything. Prime example: school and sleep. People need their sleep. Especially developing teenagers. We all know the amount of sleep people lose over school. Losing sleep should be a rare thing for anybody, but we all know that isn’t the reality. Inequality is at insane levels, and that isn’t exactly veering towards change. Some eat until they puke, some starve. Yeah the world we made isn’t great. But while we slog through the shit, can’t we come together and think of ways to make it better? This happens to an extent already but the progress moves at a snail’s pace. It’s gotta speed up quick, because from the looks of it we don’t have much time left. We have so many people working on ways to extract money and not enough working to build better lives for all of us. I guess what I’m asking you to do is, don’t be one of those people who live to extract money. It’s kind of a meaningless thing to do when money is going to become meaningless in your lifetime. Instead, try and make things better. It’s contagious.

